You don't have to do it alone!

As an immigrant woman, building your own community and network is essential. It offers you a safe haven where you’re supported, helping you foster an environment to make new friends. This camaraderie will not only enrich your personal life but also open doors for meaningful professional connections.

Such a network will be a powerful foundation for you to navigate and thrive in a new country, ensuring your growth and success.

Build Your Support System

... or Coven! but you can call it what ever you want

A support system is a vital network comprising individuals, organizations, and community resources that assist with the transition into a new country.

It offers emotional backing, cultural guidance, legal advice, and practical assistance with housing, employment, and language acquisition. Such a system is crucial for helping immigrants navigate unfamiliar environments, overcome barriers, and integrate into society, thereby fostering their well-being and success in their new homeland. 

1. Where to start?

Get a notebook (or make notes on your phone). When starting to build a network of contacts and resources (like this website), it’s important to have them all in one place so you can refer to it when needed.

This can also be a notebook for brainstorming. A safe space for you to write ideas or options, questions that arise, or experiences that you find challenging.

Starting fresh in a new place can be challenging, so having a safe space for you to express your feelings and see information organized is very important.

Some of the info you can have on this notebook:

2. Start a Calendar & Go follow up

You are probably already keeping a calendar. However, we recommend you start building a calendar centered around your community. What are the events that interest you in the short and medium term? Perhaps going for coffee with a colleague from work or school. We acknowledge that the path to success requires discipline and sometimes we feel we don’t have time to socialize. However, as adults and especially as immigrants at the beginning, it can be helpful to be more intentional with our connections.

Give it a try. You can start with two times a month and go from there until you find what feels right for you.

3. Get cozy with the weather, especially the rain!

Why? Well, rocking the right rain gear means you won’t have to skip any fun community events. It’s all about showing up, rain or shine, to meet people and grow your circle. Trust us, having a solid support network makes settling into this beautiful place a whole lot easier. So, embrace those rainy days, and you’ll be all set!

We're all about women supporting women, creating a vibrant and strong community together. But hey, when you're navigating the journey of immigration, we warmly encourage you to make meaningful connections with everyone, regardless of gender.

Networking is finding your career community

Networking in your career is like making friends who share your professional interests. It’s about meeting people who can offer advice, share opportunities, and support your career goals. For immigrant women, networking is key. It opens doors, helps navigate new job markets, and connects you with like-minded folks.

A real game-changer!

Start by watching this video!


Having Fun is Key!

It's pretty revolutionary for women to just have fun and feel worthy of enjoyment. Making time to laugh and move freely, without any aim for profit or pleasing others, is vital. It's all about feeling good in our own skin.

In CREACOVEN we believe in a holistic approach to success (whatever that means to you). Your discipline and commitment is as important as your health, desire, pleasure and joy.