
Develop personal skills

Level up your game with these 3 key skills

Honing skills like public speaking and getting in tune with your body really matter if you’re an immigrant woman with big career goals. It’s all about acknowledging your natural flow, proving your worth, and snagging those leadership spots.

First things first !

Physical & Mental Health

In the whirlwind of navigating a new world, immigrant women must embrace self-care. Prioritizing physical and mental health isn’t just about thriving in careers, it’s the cornerstone of building resilience and joy in every facet of life.

Your well-being is your power.

Public Speaking

Classes & workshops

Learning to speak in public can really change the game for your career. It’s not just about talking better; it’s about feeling more confident, leading with ease, and making an impact on those around you. Plus, it’s a great way to meet people and stand out in a crowd.

Hop into the Immigrant Welcoming Centre  FREE conversation group! It’s the chill spot to get better at English, speak up confidently, and tune up your listening—all in a cozy, supportive setting. Swing by, and you’ll feel right at home.

Join a Conversation Group >>>

This is like a “mini” Toastmasters course. A Speechcraft session is shorter than a regular Toastmasters session. Participants learn through practical exercises, mentorship, and fast feedback.

Register for a workshop >>>

At a usual Toastmasters meet-up, folks give speeches, try their hand at on-the-spot speaking challenges like Table Topics, and get friendly feedback in a super supportive vibe.

Find a club and join >>>

If you are ready for a most personalized experience your way to go is with Dayna.

Lerning with Dayna is gaining a combination of cognitive, acting, mindfulness and somatic techniques that you can transfer to all areas of your life. She take a customized approach that addresses your unique learning needs and goals and builds on your natural strengths, personality, and passion. Learning takes place in a supportive environment that honours both your comfort zone as well as your desire to take new risks.

Book a FREE 30 minute call to start >>>

Self Discovery

Self-discovery is all about digging deep into what makes you tick—your values, what you’re passionate about, and what you aim for. It’s a journey to really get to know yourself, grow personally, and live a life that truly feels like yours.

Going through an Identity Crisis?

For immigrants, an identity crisis often involves navigating the challenging waters between their origin culture and their new country’s societal norms. This deep, internal conflict can evoke questions of belonging, self-identity, and the pressure to assimilate while preserving one’s cultural heritage. It’s a complex journey towards finding a harmonious identity that respects both worlds.

Beyond the Language Barrier

Immigrants frequently face an identity crisis, torn between their original culture and their new country’s norms.
This internal struggle sparks questions of belonging, self-identity, and the balance between assimilating and maintaining cultural roots. It’s a multifaceted quest to craft an identity that honors both their heritage and their new environment in harmony.

Overcome Social Isolation

When you first move to a new country, feeling isolated can really affect how well you adjust. It’s tough not having a support network around, and that loneliness can lead to feelings like anxiety and depression. It’s not just about feeling sad; it makes learning the language and understanding the culture so much harder.

These things are super important for connecting with others and finding your way around. What really helps is having welcoming communities and resources you can easily access. It makes a huge difference in helping newcomers like us feel a bit more at home and start to heal mentally. It’s all about making that transition smoother and healthier for everyone involved.

Don’t know where to start? 

Navigate the Comfort Zone

We get it, stepping into a new country can make you feel like you’re losing parts of yourself, especially those comfort zones we all cling to.

But here’s the thing – diving into new hobbies or finding groups here that love what you loved back home is key. It’s not just about filling time; it’s about recreating that sense of safety and belonging in this unfamiliar place.

Let’s us give you a the first start for your own exploration.

By thoughtfully answering these questions, you can uncover activities and hobbies that resonate with your interests and passions, leading to a more fulfilling and engaging lifestyle.

Think about those moments when you were completely in the zone, and suddenly, it’s hours later. These are clues to what truly captivates you and might just be the gateway to hobbies you’d absolutely love.

We often forget that our childhood obsessions can be a goldmine for rediscovering joy and fulfillment. Why not take a little trip down memory lane and see if there’s something you’d like to pick up again?

Dreaming big can point you toward what genuinely excites you, minus the practical hang-ups. It’s a great way to unearth hidden passions and maybe even a new hobby or two.

The things you’re naturally curious about can highlight areas you’re truly passionate about. Consider hobbies that let you dive deeper into these interests.

Taking cues from people we admire can spark inspiration to try out new things. If there’s a hobby they’re into, why not give it a whirl?

 Hobbies can be more than just fun and games; they can also be a way to make a difference. If there’s something you’re passionate about changing or contributing to, look for activities that align with that mission.